Hrishikesh Somchatwar

Hrishikesh Somchatwar

Meet an esteemed cybersecurity expert and distinguished speaker who has graced prestigious stages such as c0c0n, Bsides Delhi 2019, Bsides Ahmedabad 2021, and HackFest Canada 2021. Despite an accepted village invitation at DefCamp Romania 2019 and 2023. Their insights have found a profound resonance with diverse audiences, cementing their status as a revered authority in the cybersecurity realm. Beyond the podium, this luminary author penned the acclaimed “Hacking the Physical World,” capturing readers’ attention on Amazon’s bestseller lists. Venturing further into the intricate tapestry of technology and human narratives, they host the “StorytellingHacker” podcast. Here, they unravel the captivating intersection of storytelling and electronics hacking, sharing compelling tales and insights that bridge the gap between technology and human experiences.

Hrishikesh Somchatwar's talks at Security Fest

2024: Wheels of Wonder

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