Andreas Lindh

Andreas Lindh

Andreas is a Security Consultant and Researcher at Recurity Labs. In his day job, he audits and assesses assorted systems and software, including mobile applications, embedded systems, web applications, and sometimes downright weird stuff. In his spare time, he hacks Open Source software for fun and non-profit. Before joining Recurity Labs, Andreas played defense as part of a small Managed Security Services team, doing intrusion detection, malware analysis, and all sorts of network hoopla. Before that, which is basically when dinosaurs roamed the earth, he worked for Volvo. Andreas has previously presented his work at events such as Black Hat USA, Virus Bulletin, Troopers, SEC-T, and various local OWASP gatherings. Every now and then, a journalist mistakes him for someone who actually knows something and quotes him in the media.

Andreas Lindh's talks at Security Fest

2016: Hacking Mattermost: An Assessment of an Open Source Messaging Platform for Hipsters
2016: Panel Debate: Bug bounties, Auditing Open Source and Improving Security

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