Contact Security Fest

For press inquiries or other questions, please send an email to: [email protected].

Responsible for Security Fest are:

Alexander Alasjö, Assured AB
Anders Nilsson, ESET
Benjamin Svensson, Assured AB
Cina Hellman, Volvo Group
Jesper Larsson, 0x4A
Johan Rydberg Möller, Recurity Labs
Love Björk, Mälarenergi
Tero Hänninen, Squared Circle Security



Two great conference days

We're honoured to have some amazing renowned speakers from all over the world, in two great conference days! Learn. Inspire. Connect.

Location and weather

The Security Fest conference is held in Gothenburg, on the west coast of Sweden, in the beginning of summer: a perfect time to visit Sweden!

Party and mingle

There's plenty of time to meet and talk to the speakers and the other conference attendees! There's a awesome party on Wednesday evening!

Venue and accommodation

Security Fest is held in Elite Park Avenue Hotel in Gothenburg.

Get all relevant information and news regarding Security Fest, when we release recordings of talks, etc.