About Security Fest

Join us on June 4-5 2025

In the beginning of summer, Gothenburg becomes the most secure city in Sweden! We provide two days filled with great talks by internationally renowned speakers on some of the most cutting edge and interesting topics in technical information security! Our attendees will learn from the best and the brightest, and have a chance to get to know each other during the lunch, dinner, breaks in the sponsor area and of course the awesome after-party!


Please note that you have to be at least 18 years old to attend.


Highlights of Security Fest



Security Fest is held at Elite Park Avenue Hotel in Gothenburg.


Ticket information

Regular tickets sell out fast, so make sure to get yours in time! We also offer a limited number of "good karma" tickets, which are a bit more expensive, but help us make the conference even better.

Ticket prices 2025, excluding VAT (25%):

List all speakers at Security Fest's previous years

Watch previous years' talks on YouTube


Security Fest is an inspiring and unique IT security conference held in Gothenburg, Sweden. The event is an excellent opportunity to learn more about IT security, and a great way to connect with both the renowned international speakers, and the other attendees.


Two great conference days

We're honoured to have some amazing renowned speakers from all over the world, in two great conference days! Learn. Inspire. Connect.

Location and weather

The Security Fest conference is held in Gothenburg, on the west coast of Sweden, in the beginning of summer: a perfect time to visit Sweden!

Party and mingle

There's plenty of time to meet and talk to the speakers and the other conference attendees! There's a awesome party on Wednesday evening!

Venue and accommodation

Security Fest is held in Elite Park Avenue Hotel in Gothenburg.

Get all relevant information and news regarding Security Fest, when we release recordings of talks, etc.