Privacy, Veilid, And You

This presentation is a high-level but technical overview of the Cult Of The Dead Cow's latest effort, Veilid. First, some history of cDc, its members, and our efforts in the security and privacy space will be discussed. Second, we will review where we are today and where Veilid Foundation would like to see things go in the next decade. Third, we will discuss the roadmap of Veilid, a peer-to-peer privacy-oriented application development framework, and how you can help. The discussion of Veilid will be technical and focused on our current implementation, its requirements and shortcomings, recent innovations, as where things need to go for the project to succeed.

Presented at Security Fest 2025.

Speaker: Christien 'DilDog' Rioux

About Christien 'DilDog' Rioux

Christien 'DilDog' Rioux

Christien 'DilDog' Rioux is a member of The Cult Of The Dead Cow, the author of remote-access utility Back Orifice 2000, and a thorn in Microsoft's side for over a decade. DilDog is the creator of StuntBanana, a caller-id spoofing system, and is proprietor of the hacker-fashion line HACK.XXX. He is also Co-Founder and former Chief Scientist of Veracode, on the founding team of @stake, as well as a member of L0pht Heavy Industries. DilDog is a staunch believer that if you want to change the present you need to build the future, and is very sorry for having helped create "InfoSec" from hacking, and would like to undo the damage.

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